The base price for our custom item listings includes monograms or basic inscriptions (maximum length determined by the size of the item).
We are happy to work with your logo or artwork that you supply for a small added design fee. To get a quote on a job using your own logo or artwork, please start a conversation with us before checking out. If you check out a custom order and then send us a logo, we reserve the right to either a) charge an additional design fee for the preparation of your logo for production, or b) cancel your order and issue a refund. All submitted artwork must be in either a .psd, .cdr, .ai, .eps, or .jpg format. Please understand that the lower the quality of your initial design file, the more expensive the design charge will be.
By submitting artwork to us for use in your purchase, you attest that you have the legal right to its use for commercial means.
This means that any artwork you send us must either be a) your own original artwork, b) your legal property by means of purchase, or c) in the public domain or subject to Creative Commons for commercial use. Olivet Designs assumes no responsibility for infringement of intellectual property laws if you misrepresent the artwork you send us as being yours to use legally if in fact it is not.
Custom jobs require frequent communication between the buyer and seller.
Please check your e-mails and stay up-to-date on communications. Failure to do so will result in a longer lead time between when you place your order and when you receive it. Our designers are required to send you proofs throughout the process, and your job will not be sent to the production team until we receive a final approval on a final proof. Olivet Designs will not be held responsible if a buyer abandons the design process before a final proof has been approved. Failure to respond to e-mails from our design team within 7 days will result in a hold being placed on your order until such time as you respond. Refunds will not be issued for abandoned orders.
Glassware is fragile.
We know that’s obvious. We source our glasses from reputable sources, including Libbey, Anchor Hocking, and Stolzle. If you drop your glass and it breaks, it isn’t because the glass was cheap or defective; it’s because glassware is fragile. No warranties related to structural integrity expressed or implied. If your glassware arrives broken from shipping, please notify us within 7 days of receiving it. We insure all of our packages, and will process a claim immediately. Whatever happens, we’ll make it right. However, you must notify us within 7 days of receipt, or we cannot guarantee replacement.
Bulk price discounts are available in any quantity over 1 for most items, just start a conversation with us to get a quote. The first piece is always the most expensive to make! Discounts for returning customers who are reusing previous artwork are also available.